Saturday 24 February 2018

True Granny knots

I didnt know my Granny very well, sadly she died when I was about 6, 
but I think we would have got on very well.  
You see she was a dress-maker, that talent totally skipped my Mum, 
she couldn't sew to save her life, draw yes, sew no.  I remember her hemming my jeans with staples!  
So I think Granny and I would have got on very well. 
By the time I appeared (a bit of an oops moment for Mum and Dad ;-)), 
she was rather elderly and not quite with it,
 but the other day I re found a dress she had made for my older sister when she was little.
Its a stunning gingham dress, the attention to detail is brilliant, 
from the little tucks down the bodice, to the run of French Knots round the waist

And when you look really closely it is all hand stitched, everything.... then take into account the amazing band of embroidery going round the skirt 
and the time it must have taken is a true expression of love.
Even more so when I think she made a matching one for Serena's doll, 
which sadly now has gone walk about. I will treasure this.
 Its an important link to another woman I wish I had known as an adult.


  1. Hi Caro !
    I like very much this dress too, and imagine your grandmother embroidering slowly, stitch after stitch, before going to bed.
    I have the same feeling about a great-aunt, who was a great embroiderer, and died before I was able to get interested in her activities and talk about it. I feel really frustrated, and wish I had known her being adult myself.
    We sometime have a lifeline not matching the one of other interesting people, don't you think ?

  2. My grandmother was a quilter, but my mother wasn't. However, my mom made many of my dresses and Halloween costumes. I'm thankful to them both as I have sewn clothes for my kids and made a few quilts. It's wonderful to have such a heritage. Even if you didn't get to know your grandmother, you know you're part of her.

    1. You were so lucky they were able to pass their knowledge on to you x
